Browse architects and firms beginning with the letter "P"
This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.
Note that links in boldface type represent architect and firm pages that are either more complete or are particularly well-developed. Links that are in red font are not live and represent pages that are still in queue. These pages may also have been deferred for lack of information or because the practitioner has more recently entered the scene. This index nonetheless provides a comprehensive list of those who practiced in Nebraska from 1854-2000. Files are kept for each.
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Packard, David A., Architect; SEE David A. Packard, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1984-2003
Palandri, Randall J., Architect; SEE Randall J. Palandri, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1976-2003
Palmer, William D., Architect; SEE William D. Palmer, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1972-1976
Papke, H. A., Architect; SEE H. A. Papke, Architect
Parker, Howard A., Architect; SEE Howard A. Parker, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1993-2003
Parr, Arthur H., Architect; SEE Arthur H. Parr, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1966-1969
Parsons, F. M., Architect; SEE Frank M. Parsons (ca. 1868-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1915
Parsons, W. R., & Son, Architects; SEE W. R. Parsons & Son (____-1907), Architects, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1891
Paterson, F. L., Architect; SEE F. L. Paterson, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1895
Patterson, J. F., Architect; SEE J. F. Patterson, Architect, Wahoo, 1884-1887, and Fremont, Nebraska, 1888-1890
Patterson & McLean, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1890-1891
Paulson, Vernon H. A., Architect; SEE Vernon Harry Arthur Paulson (1918-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1951-1976
Pawelko, Richard, Architect; SEE Richard Pawelko, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1974-1976
Patton & Miller, Architects, Chicago, Illinois, 1901-1912
Patton, Normand Smith, Architect; SEE Normand Smith Patton (1852-1915), Architect, Chicago, Illinois
Pearsall, James, Architect; SEE James Pearsall (1842-1928), Architect, Columbus, Nebraska, 1902-1909
Pearson Birch Studio, Architects, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2001-2002
Pearson, F. W., Architect; SEE F. W. Pearson, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska
Pearson, Melinda E., Architect; SEE Melinda E. Pearson, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1989-2008
Pechanec, Jan, Architect-Builder; SEE Jan Pechanec (1842-1905), Architect-Builder, Clarkson, Nebraska, 1894
Pechota, Frantisek, Carpenter-Architect; SEE Frantisek Pechota, Carpenter-Architect, Milligan, Nebraska
Pedersen, J. C., Architect; SEE J. C. Pedersen, Architect, Gering, 1919-1922, and Omaha, Nebraska, 1922-1923
Pedersen, Keith E., Architect; SEE Keith E. Pedersen, Architect, Lincoln, 1975-1976; and Omaha, Nebraska
Pei, I. M., & Partners; SEE I. M. Pei & Partners, Architects, New York, New York
Penn, Michael J., Architect; SEE Michael J. Penn, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 2000-2003
Penn, Michelle M., Architect; SEE Michelle M. Penn, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1995-2003
Penney, Thomas E., Architect; SEE Thomas E. Penney, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1989-2003
Peperkorn, E., Architect; SEE E. Peperkorn, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1894-1895
Perkins, Dwight Heald, Architect; SEE Dwight Heald Perkins (1867-1941), Architect, Chicago, Illinois; Pennsylvania
Perrin, J. Robert, Architect; SEE J. Robert Perrin, Architect, Bellevue, 1975-1976; and Omaha, Nebraska, -2003
Person, Karl A Architect; SEE Karl Andrew Person, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1994-2003
Peters, Donald S., Architect; SEE Donald S. Peters, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1978-2003
Peters, Douglas M., Architect; SEE Douglas M. Peters, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000+
Peters, George W., Architect; SEE George W. Peters (ca. 1859-1893), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1887-1893
Peters, H. C., Architect; SEE Herman C. Peters (ca. 1875-____), Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1915
Petersen, Fred, Architect; SEE Fred Petersen, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1908-1917
Petersen & Dodds, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1913
Peterson, Elrey G., Architect; SEE Elrey G. Peterson (1893-1990), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1929-1970
Peterson, Harvey C., Architect; SEE Harvey C. Peterson (1898-1984), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1920-1940
Peterson, John Ellis, Architect; SEE John Ellis Peterson (1930-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1957-2003
Peterson, Rex M., Architect; SEE Rex M. Peterson, Architect, Gordon, Nebraska, -2003
Pfeifer, Scott F., Architect; SEE Scott F. Pfeifer, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1995-2003
Phelps, I.E., Architect-Builder; SEE Isaac E. Phelps (1841-1921), Architect-Builder
Phillip, Jary J., Architect; SEE Jary J. Phillip, Architect, Valley, Nebraska, -2003, Omaha, 1971, and Lincoln, Nebraska, 1972-1976
Phillips, C. W., Architect; SEE C. W. Phillips, Architect, Fullerton, Nebraska, 1894-1895
Philo, Roger F., Architect; SEE Roger Francis Philo, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1969, Maryland, Texas
Pickard, A., Architect; SEE Andrew J. Pickard (ca. 1845-____), Architect, North Platte, Nebraska, 1886-1887
Pickrel, Cristy K., Architect; SEE Cristy K. Pickrel, Architect, York, Nebraska, -2000+
Pine, James F., Architect; SEE James F. Pine, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1967-2003
Pittack, Wesley Alan, Architect; SEE Wesley Alan Pittack (____-2000), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1967-1976
Placey & Cordner, Architects, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1891
Placey, O. H., Architect; SEE Otis H. Placey (ca. 1829-1892), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1887-1892
Plack, W. L., Architect; SEE William Lewis Plack (1854-1944), Architect, Altoona, Pennsylvania, c. 1878-1882 & c. 1887-1892; Des Moines, Iowa, 1883-1886; Omaha, Nebraska, 1887; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1893-1930
Plager, Vernon O., Architect; SEE Vernon Otto Plager (1940-2009), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000+
Plym, Francis, Architect; SEE Francis John Plym (1869-1940), Architect & Inventor, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1900-1903
Podhajsky, Anton, Architect; SEE Anton Podhajsky, Architect, Abie, Nebraska
Podhajsky, J. L., Architect; SEE J. L. Podhajsky, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1894-1895
Policky, Ronald L., Architect; SEE Ronald L. Policky, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1974 -2003
Polsky, Donald Perry, Architect; SEE Donald Perry Polsky (1928-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1968-2003
Polsky, Donald P., & Associates, Architects; SEE Donald P. Polsky & Associates, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1966-1975
Ponec, Ronald E., Architect; SEE Ronald E. Ponec, Architect, Elkhorn, Nebraska, 1976
Pope, John Russell, Architect; SEE John Russell Pope (1874-1937), Architect
Porter, _____, see Gillespie, Porter & Schreiber, Omaha, Nebraska
Porter, _____, see Porter & Schreiber, Omaha, Nebraska
Porter & Schreiber, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1920-1921
Porter, James G., Architect; SEE James G. Porter, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1951-1976
Porter, Sanford, Architect; SEE Sanford Porter (1924-____), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1954-1957
Potter, Harold C., Architect; SEE Harold Charles Potter, Architect, Monroe, 1939-1940, and Lincoln, Nebraska, 1941-1970
Potter, James J., Architect; SEE James J. Potter, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2003
Potter, William Appleton, Architect; SEE William Appleton Potter (1842-1909), Architect, New York, New York
Potter & Robertson, Architects, New York, New York
Potvin, F. S., Architect-Builder; SEE F. S. Potvin (1839-____), Architect-Builder, Lincoln, Nebraska
Povondra, Albert J., Architect; SEE Albert J. Povondra, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000+
Powers & Associates, Architects, Fremont, Nebraska, 1964-1965
Powers, Willis, & Associates, Architects; SEE Willis Powers & Associates, Architects, Fremont, Nebraska
Powers, Willis, Wozniak & Associates, Architects; SEE [[Willis Powers, Wozniak & Associates, Architects]], Fremont, Nebraska, 1969-1970
Powers, Nicholas G., Architect; SEE Nicholas G. Powers, Architect, Scottsbluff, Nebraska, -2000+
Poyner, Perry L., Architect; SEE Perry L. Poyner, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2003
Pratkelis, Alex, Architect; SEE Alex Pratkelis, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1971
Prestwich, Lowyn J., Architect; SEE Lowyn J. Prestwich (ca. 1884-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1929-1942
Price, Thomas, Stone Mason; SEE Thomas Price, Stone Mason
Prinz, George Bernhard, Architect; SEE George Bernhard Prinz (1864-1946), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1909-1946
Prinz, Thomas V., Architect; SEE Thomas V. Prinz, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2003
Prochaska & Associates, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, -2003
Prochaska, Donald F., Architect; SEE Donald F. Prochaska, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2003
Prochaska, Frantisek, Carpenter; SEE Frantisek Prochaska, Carpenter, Weston, Nebraska, 1893
Pryor, T. J. Architect; SEE T. J. Pryor, Architect
Pryor, John H., Architect; SEE John H. Pryor, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1951-1968
Puderbaugh, Homer L., Jr., Architect; SEE Homer L. Puderbaugh, Jr. (1929-____), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1969-2003
Pugsley, Albert L., Architect; SEE Albert L. Pugsley (1909-1977), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1938-1940
Pulis, Walter Pell, Architect; SEE Walter Pell Pulis (ca. 1865-____), Architect, Kearney, Nebraska, 1889-1891; Denver, Colorado, 1892; Chicago, Illinois, 1894; St. Louis, Missouri, 1895-1896; New York, 1900- 1903; Boston, 1904, 1920-1930s; Newark, New Jersey, 1909
Purcell & Elmslie, Minneapolis, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Portland; see William L. Steele
Purcell & Feick, Architects, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Purdy, Michael L., Architect; SEE Michael L. Purdy, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000+
Purdy & Slack, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000
Purdy, Richard Charles, Architect; SEE Richard Charles Purdy (1929-____), Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1964-1972
Push, Vernon J., Architect; SEE Vernon J. Push, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1951-1975
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