John J. Butler (1839-1904), Architect

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Lincoln, Nebraska, 1869-1904

Born in St. Johns, Newfoundland in 1839, John J. Butler was said to have worked in construction in New York and in "some of the prominent southern cities" before arriving in Lincoln (via Nebraska City, Nebraska) in the fall of 1869. In 1870 he associated briefly with builder A. S. Smith in Lincoln as "Smith & Butler, architects."[6][19][59][a][c][i] After just a few months that association dissolved and Butler then advertised individually as an architect and builder.[7][d] He designed numerous buildings in Lincoln between 1870 and 1885, sometimes also serving as superintendent or contractor. Among his designs were those for such large buildings as Hallo's (2nd) Opera House and Saint Theresa Catholic Church. He became active in local civic and political affairs and was often nominated (but apparently never elected) to city and state offices.[18] He held offices in the Lincoln chapter of the Irish National League and the Lincoln Board of Trade. In the 1880s some of his construction of commercial buildings was for his own account, and in 1885 he shifted his advertising and his business emphasis from architecture to dealing in real estate, although he continued to occasionally work as a superintendent until his death in 1904.[54][p] His first wife was Mary J. Kennedy and they had a daughter and two sons before her death in 1883 at age 39. He married again in 1886 to Mary E. Condon of Cincinnati and they also had two sons and a daughter.[3][26][53][m] He died December 13, 1904, in Lincoln.[59][b] His widow Mary E. Butler died in Denver in 1926.[60]

This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the Format and contents of Nebraska architect entries page for more information on the compilation and page organization.

Compiled Nebraska Directory Listings

Lincoln, Nebraska, 1873-1874, 1876, 1878-1885

Educational & Professional Associations

August-October 1870: Smith & Butler, architects & builders, Lincoln, Nebraska.[6][7][c][d]

1881: President of Lincoln branch of the Irish National Land and Industrial League of the United States (aka "Irish National League.")[34]

1882: Director, Lincoln Board of Trade.[43]

ca. 1882: Patent for a horse-drawn earth scraper.[47]

Buildings & Projects

Dwelling house for Mr. W. S. Hall (1871), O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.[8]

Plans and specifications for a frame school building (1872), Lincoln, Nebraska.[9]

Plans for the County Jail (1873), Lincoln, Nebraska.[10][15][e]

Brick building for Michael Graham (1874), "west side of Market Space" (100 block of N. 9th), Lincoln, Nebraska.[11]

Foreman for U. S. Post Office (1874), 920 O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.[12][f]

Residence for J. M. McMurtry (1874), 11th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.[13]

Two-story brick store, 25'x60' (1874), "corner of 13th & O streets, opposite the City Hotel," Lincoln, Nebraska.[14]

Fitzgerald Block (1874), "west side of Market Space" (100 block of N. 9th St.), Lincoln, Nebraska.[16][g]

Centennial (Hallo's 2nd) Opera House (1875-1876), SW corner of 12th & O, Lincoln, Nebraska.[17][h]

R. R. Tingley's brick store for D. & C. L. Baum, hardware (1877), Lincoln, Nebraska.[20][j]

Two-story brick building (1877), "lot 9, block 54" (919 O Street), Lincoln, Nebraska.[22][l]

Plans and specifications for new building of Louis Stix & Co. of Cincinnati (1877), O Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.[21]

"Butler's new brick building" leased to Capt. J. W. Winger (1877), 1012 P St., Lincoln, Nebraska.[23][n]

Two-story brick business building for William Deveraux (1877), Lincoln, Nebraska.[24]

"Two-story brick block for J. J. Butler...cost 3,500" (1878), Lincoln, Nebraska.[25][n]

Saint Theresa Catholic Church (1878-1879), NE corner of 13th & M, Lincoln, Nebraska.[5]

Two-story brick building for John Fitzgerald (1879), Lincoln, Nebraska.[27]

Two-story brick building for J. F. Lansing (1879), Lincoln, Nebraska.[28]

Plans for the new wing, State Insane Asylum (1879), west of Lincoln, Nebraska.[63][r]

Two-story brick building for Herman Schirmer (1880), Lincoln, Nebraska.[29]

New front for Dr. Malley's bar (1880), Lincoln, Nebraska.[30]

Plans for an opera house (1880), Red Oak, Iowa.[31]

Church's Block (1880), "O street, opposite the Opera House," Lincoln, Nebraska.[32]

Two-story, brick double store for McLaughlin & Kelley (1881), 10th between O & P, Lincoln, Nebraska.[4]

Butler's Block (1881), 1232 O St, Lincoln, Nebraska.[1][4][33][n]

Jacob Haberle's 2-story double brick block (1881), 10th between O & N, Lincoln, Nebraska.[4][35]

Court House Block for L. H. Fuller and Webster & McMurtry (1881), NW corner of 11th & M, Lincoln, Nebraska.[4][36][o]

Frame residence for E. Hallett (1881), Lincoln, Nebraska.[37]

Frame residence (1881), corner of 16th & H, Lincoln, Nebraska.[38]

Resident for "ex-Mayor Galey" (1881), "on the eighty," Lincoln, Nebraska.[40]

Two-story, double block of brick stores for Kelly and for William McLaughlin's saloon (1881), 124 N. 10th, Lincoln, Nebraska.[4][39][41]

J. A. Fedawa's 2-story brick block (1881-1882), 7th between P & Q, Lincoln, Nebraska.[4]

Frame residence for E. S. Reed (1882), Lincoln, Nebraska.[44]

Contractor for two new wings to the Insane Hospital (1882), Lincoln, Nebraska.[45]

Two-story brick building for James Ledwith (1882), Lincoln, Nebraska.[46]

Two-story stone building for B. S. Ferris (1882), Hebron, Thayer County, Nebraska.[48]

Two-story brick building for J. M. Burke (1883), Lincoln, Nebraska.[49]

Addition to T Street school (1883), 9th & T, Lincoln, Nebraska.[50]

Two-story double brick dwelling for Ingram Bros. (1883), Lincoln, Nebraska.[51]

Two-story brick building for I. N. Clark & Co. (1883), Sutton, Nebraska.[52]

Three-story brick double store/Butler Block (1889), SW corner of 19th & O, Lincoln, Nebraska.[58][n]

Residence of J. J. & Mary E. Butler (1902), 1200 S. 20th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.[61][q]

Superintendent of construction of a wing of the Soldiers' Home (1904), Milford, Nebraska.[59]


a. Butler is listed as a "House Contr[actor] & Builder" in Lincoln in the 1870 federal census and as an architect in the 1880 federal census.[2][3]

b. J. J. Butler and Mary (Kennedy) Butler are interred at Calvary Cemetery in Lincoln, Nebraska.

c. In August of 1870, A. S. Smith filed a "Dissolution Notice" in the Nebraska State Journal announcing the firm of "Sheppard & Smith for the purpose of carrying on the business of Contractors and Builders, is this day [July 15, 1870] dissolved by mutual consent." Directly below that notice was printed "Copartnership Notice. The undersigned has this day associated with himself J. J. Butler late of Nebraska City, under the firm name of Smith & Butler, architects and builders.--Thanking his friends for their past favors he respectfully solicits their continued patronage for the new firm. A. S. SMITH." In the same paper in mid-October of 1870, another "Dissolution Notice" declared" "Notice is hereby given that the firm of Smith & Butler, architects and builders, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. A. S. Smith, J. J. Butler. Lincoln, Oct. 12th, 1870."[6]

d. Less than three months after the announcement of the partnership of Smith & Butler, and just weeks after the partnership disbanded, Nebraska State Journal on October 29, 1870, ran a "card" for "D. J. Butler, Architect & Builder" on page 2, and a brief notice on page 4: "We call attention to the card of J. J. Butler, architect and builder, formerly junior partner of the late firm of Smith & Butler, of this city. Mr. Butler thoroughly understands his business, and those who entrust their work to his hands, can rest assured it will be performed in the best style."[7]

e. Nebraska State Journal reported in 1873 on "Plans for the County Jail.--We were on Saturday shown some very elaborate and beautifully perfect plans for our county jail, which is to be shortly erected in Lincoln. They were made by J. J. Butler, who is a most accomplished architect. These plans, if adopted, will result in giving this county one of the best buildings of the kind in the State. It provides for the safe keeping of the prisoners, their comfort and health, as well as furnishing the jailor [sic] with good, comfortable quarters, and the building would be an ornament to the city. We cannot go into the details but will say that if any one doubts the perfectness of these plans, Mr. Butler will show them and convince the most skeptical."[10] There was a dispute the next year when bids were received for constructing the jail and architect Artemas Roberts argued that the bids did not conform to the approved plans. Butler himself was one of the bidders; the job was awarded to W. H. B. Stout, contractor for many of the public buildings of early Lincoln.[15]

f. In 1874, Nebraska State Journal reported "Mr. J. J. Butler has received the appointment of foreman on the United States post office. Col. Wilson has made a good selection in the appointment of Mr. Butler. His work can be seen on the new building on the west side of Market Space, he being the architect and also executed the wood-work."[12]

g. Nebraska State Journal provided a detailed description of Fitzgerald Block in November 1874, detailing a two-story brick building of 50'x90' overall dimensions, consisting of two storefronts each 24'x90' and 16' tall, and office spaces on the second floor 14 feet high, divided by a central hall. "J. J. Butler is the architect and superintendent." In late November 1874, Butler moved his office into the Fitzgerald Block "on the west side of Market Space."[16]

h. Hallo's Opera House of 1872 at 12th & O in Lincoln was destroyed by fire on October 4-5, 1875. At a meeting to solicit pledges toward rebuilding an opera house in mid-October of 1875, "Mr. Butler said he had no money to give but would donate plans and specifications." His name is listed among the subscribers as "J. J. Butler, plans and specifications...200 [dollars]." By late October, Nebraska State Journal reported in detail on Butler's "very nearly completed" drawings. By February of 1876, the new building on the original site was ready for plasterers and a theatrical company was scheduled to perform "Two Orphans" in May--the same drama "which was so suddenly interrupted by the fire." Before the house opened in May 1876, it had been named Centennial Opera House.[17]

i. On New Year's Day of 1877, Nebraska State Journal praised Butler in a front-page story: "Mr. J. J. Butler, architect and builder came to Lincoln in the fall of 1869, and saw in the near future the foundation of a large and enterprising city, and commenced business in the spring of the following year, and has planned and erected the largest portion of the buildings in the city...If Mr. Butler should build up Lincoln in the next seven years as much in proportion as he has in the past, our citizens and the traveling community will have the pleasure of looking at the handsomest city in the west."[18]

j. A description of R. R. Tingley's store building in 1877 mentions "They will also put in the [2-story] building an elevator, the first of the kind used in the city. Mr. J. J. Butler is the architect and builder."[20]

k. Notes in the Nebraska State Journal in June 1877 mentioned plans for "Stix & Co." and for "three two-story brick buildings to be erected by Messrs. Jones, Stix and Schmidt...under the supervision of the architect, Mr. J. J. Butler."[21]

l. A call for "Sealed Proposals" in Nebraska State Journal of June 14, 1877 describes the planned project as "the erection of a two-story brick building on lot 9, block 4, 25 feet wide by 100 feet long...Bidders must take into consideration the value of materials on the ground..." Perhaps there was a partially burned building at that location, or an aborted building project.[22]

m. An 1879 report on a birthday party mentioned: "Mrs. J. J. Butler showed a stout little three-months-old, who crowed lustily to the name of J. J. Jr., and a little girl, who showed much animation when called Ada." (Lincoln, Nebraska) Daily Evening News reported on October 9, 1883 that "Mrs. M. J. Butler, wife of J. J. Butler, died in this city yesterday afternoon. Her last sickness was of four month's continuance. She was 39 years of age. Mrs. Butler leaves a husband and three children." A Lincoln paper reported in 1885 that Butler married Mary E. Condon of Cincinnati in that city on June 17th.[26][53][55][57]

Mary E. Butler, wife of John J. Butler, sometimes has been confused with Mary E. Butler, wife of Daniel Butler and sister of John J. Pershing. Both Mrs. Butlers were residents of Lincoln by the 1890s, both were widowed in the early 20th century, and both lived in the neighborhoods south of the Nebraska State Capitol. The widow of John J. Butler, the builder-architect, moved on to 1952 S. 25th St. by 1908, then to 2210 Sheridan Boulevard by 1911. The widow of Daniel Butler continued her late husband's business, publishing Nebraska Legal News, after his death around 1911. By 1920, she moved into 1748 B Street with her sister May Pershing and together they provided a home and family for Warren Pershing, General Pershing's son. She died in 1928.[62]

n. Butler increasingly built business blocks on his own account. In 1880, he bought a lot on the north side of O Street between 12th & 13th for $2,450. Nebraska State Journal reported: "We understand Mr. Butler will erect a two story brick business house on the lot, early in the spring."[33] In October 1881, Nebraska State Journal reported that "J. J. Butler has moved his office from above the State National bank, to Butler's block, on O street between Twelfth and Thirteenth."[42] Near the end of Butler's life, the Lincoln city directory (1901) listed four "Butler Blocks" at 1232, 1239, and 1845 O Street, and 1012 P Street.

o. Before Lancaster County built its own courthouse on K Street between 9th & 10th, county offices were housed in a privately owned "Court House Block" on the NW corner of 11th & M. A lengthy article in Nebraska State Journal in February 1881 identified Butler as the architect and Smith & Tyler as the superintendents for the construction for the three-story brick structure, which consisted of three interconnected buildings. The south building (on the corner) was to be owned by Lester C. Fuller, while McMurtry & Webster owned the north 2/3 of the "Block," which contained the courtroom and county offices on the second and third floors.[36]

p. The Lincoln newspaper Daily Evening News reported in 1885 that "J. J. Butler, our pioneer architect and builder has arranged to embark in the real estate business in this city. Mr. Butler has had the subject of making a change in business under contemplation for some time past on account of threatened impairment of health by close application to office work...Mr. B. has planned and erected more buildings than any other man in the city, and by economy, industry, and the exercise of good judgment when investing in city property, reached a position which is advantageous for making the change he desires." Butler's advertising in Lincoln newspapers shifted to real estate, but there was mention of him still working as a building contractor in 1886, when a wind storm severely damaged the three-story brick Baldwin Bros. building under construction in the 1200 block of O Street, for which he was the general contractor. In 1889, Butler advertised Lincoln Shoe Store in one of the storefronts of his Butler's Block at 1228 O Street, with himself listed as "Prop[ietor]."[54][56]

q. Mary E. Butler bought a house lot at 20th & C streets in 1902 and with her husband John J. Butler mortgaged the property for $2,000. The 1902 Lincoln city directory listed them residing at 1726 N Street; in 1903 their address was 2001 C, corresponding to their house lot at the SE corner of 20th and C. A summary of building activity of 1902 in Lincoln published in January 1903 included a residence costing $5,000 for J. J. Butler. It seems likely that J. J. Butler would have designed and perhaps served as his own general contractor for construction of his family home, where he died in 1904. The house still stands in 2018, addressed as 1200 South 20th St.[61].

r. A Lincoln newspaper reported in 1879 that Artemas Roberts had submitted plans and specs for a wing to be added to the Asylum, and that "Architect and contractor, Butler, will present his plans shortly."[63]


1. Pen and Sunlight Sketches of Lincoln: Its Growth, Resources, Commerce, Manufactures; Handsomely Illustrated (Chicago: Phoenix, [1893?]), 127.

2. 1870 United States Census, s.v. “J. J. Butler,” Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, accessed through

3. 1880 United States Census, s.v. “J. J. Butler,” Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, accessed through

4. "The Year 1881. It is a Successful and Booming One for the Capital City of Nebraska. A Review of Its Building Interests and Other Industries. Nealy $600,000 Expended in Business Building During the Past Year. The Value of Realty Upon which the Magnificent Business Block Rest is Fully $200,000," Lincoln (Nebraska) Daily News, (January 2, 1882), 4.

5. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 2, 1878), 1; (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 21, 1879), 3; "Notice to Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (July 25, 1879), 4.

6. "Dissolution Notice" and "Copartnership Notice," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (August 6, 1870), 4; "Dissolution Notice," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 19, 1870), 2.

7. "D.[sic] J. Butler, Architect & Builder," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 29, 1870), 2; and notice on page 4.

8. "Mr. J. J. Butler, contractor, is building a dwelling house on the O street for Mr. W. S. Hall, the "Blee" sewing machine man." (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (December 17, 1871), 1..

9. "Proposals," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 25, 1872), 3.

10. "Plans for the County Jail," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (July 22, 1873), 4.

11. "The First of the Season," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (March 6, 1874), 3.

12. "The Right Man in the Right Place," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 8, 1874), 4.

13. "Mr. J. J. Butler is drawing plans for a fine $3,000 or $4,000 residence for J. M. McMurtry, which that gentleman designs erecting on 11th street." (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 7, 1874), 4.

14. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 12, 1874), 4.

15. "Those Plans" and "The County Jail (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 19, 1874), 2.

16. "The Fitzgerald Block," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (November 13, 1874), 3; advertisement for "J. J. Butler, Architect and Builder," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (November 29, 1874), 1.

17. "The Opera House Enterprise. The Adjourned Meeting Last Night. Over $6,000 Subscribed," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 15, 1875), 4; "The New Opera House. Something About the Magnificent Building that Will be Constructed. Plans For Such an Opera House as Will Do Honor to our City," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 29, 1875), 4; "Lincoln's Pride. Hallo's New Opera House--The Finest Structure of the Kind West of the Missouri. The Surprising Rapidity with which the Work has been Accomplished. Risen Like the Phoenix from the Ashes of Its Ruins," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 25, 1876), 3; "The Opening of the Opera House. This Pleasant Event Will Occur on the 29th, Without Fail," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 19, 1876), 4.

18. "Democratic County Ticket," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 26, 1876), 3; "The City and County...First Ward," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (November 10, 1876), 3; "The Vote of Lincoln," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 3, 1878), 4.

19. "J. J. Butler," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (January 1, 1877), 1.

20. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 26, 1877), 4.

21. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 5, 1877), 4; (June 10, 1877), 4.

22. "Sealed Proposals" (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 14, 1877), 1.

23. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (July 11, 1877), 4; Lincoln city directory, 1878, "Winger & Irvin (J. W. Winger & J. M. Irvin), dry goods and groceries, P st., e. 10th."

24. "Proposals," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (August 2, 1877), 4.

25. "1878. The City of Lincoln for the Past Year...Property and Improvements of the Past Year," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (January 1, 1879), 1.

26. "'Baby Mine.' A Magnificent Display of Cherubs at the Residence of Mr. Doolittle," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 2, 1879), 4.

27. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (August 17, 1879), 4.

28. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (August 19, 1879), 4.

29. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 25, 1880), 4.

30. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (July 18, 1880), 4.

31. "J. J. Butler, the architect, is preparing plans for an Opera House, at Red Oak, Iowa." (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (September 11, 1880), 4.

32. "Church's Block. A Nice Business House Full of Business Men," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (November 7, 1880), 4.

33. "Another O Street Lot Sold," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (November 25, 1880), 4; (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (March 8, 1881), 4.

34. "Suffering Ireland. A Movement in this City, looking Toward Alleviating Its Suffering and Righting Its Wrongs, last Night," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 23, 1881), 4; (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 1, 1881), 4.

35. "Notice to Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 10, 1881), 4.

36. "New Block on M and Eleventh. Three New Three-Story Brick Buildings--How our New Court Room and County Offices will Look when Finished," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 13, 1881), 4. See also Sheet 3 of Lincoln, Nebraska (New York: Sanborn Map & Publishing Co., October 1884).

37. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (February 18, 1881), 4.

38. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (March 13, 1881), 4.

39. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 3, 1881), 4.

40. "J. J. Butler, the architect is getting up the plans and specifications for a $5,000 residence on the eighty, for ex-Mayor Galey." (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 27, 1881), 4.

41. "McLaughlin's Opening. Another Gorgeous Wholesale and Retail Gin Palace Open to the Public Yesterday," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (August 2, 1881), 4. See also 1883 Lincoln city directory.

42. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (October 2, 1881), 4.

43. "Board of Trade," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (January 13, 1882), 4.

44. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (March 7, 1882), 4.

45. "The Contract Let," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (March 31, 1882), 4.

46. "To Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (April 16, 1882), 4.

47. "J. J. Butler, the architect, has planned an attachment to his lately patented scraper by which the horses fill the cart instead of the driver." (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 2, 1882), 1.

48. "Notice to Contactors," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 29, 1882), 4.

49. "Notice to Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 11, 1883), 7.

50. "Board of Education. Proceedings of Last Evening's Meeting," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 17, 1883), 1; "Notice to Contractors," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (May 24, 1883), 7.

51. (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (June 16, 1883), 8.

52. "Notice to Builders," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (July 20, 1883), 8.

53. Death notice of Mrs. M. J. Butler, (Lincoln, Nebraska) Daily Evening News (October 9, 1883), 2.

54. "A Business Change," (Lincoln, Nebraska) Daily Evening News (August 21, 1885), 1.

55. Lincoln (Nebraska) News (June 28, 1886), 4.

56. "Wild Winds and Havoc," (Lincoln, Nebraska) Daily News (September 14, 1886), 1.

57. "Lincoln Shoe Store," Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening News (March 2, 1889), 1.

58. "An Old Time Lincoln Architect and Builder Improves with Age," Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening News (January 1, 1890), 9; "Unparalleled! The Progressive March of Lincoln in 1889. Peer City of the Interior. Nearly Four Million Dollars Expended in Public and Private Improvements," Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening News (January 1, 1890), 10 (listing J. J. Butler building as $20,000).

59. "Mortuary" (obituary of J. J. Butler), Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening News (December 13, 1904), 5; (Obituary of J. J. Butler),(Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (December 14, 1904), 8; "Funeral of Pioneer Lincoln Contractor," Lincoln (Nebraska) Star (December 16, 1904), 2.

60. Notice of death of Mary E. Butler, Lincoln (Nebraska) State Journal (August 21, 1926), 9.

61. Lancaster County (NE) Deed 108-221; Mortgage 132-205 (October 2, 1902); Lincoln city directories 1902, 1903; Map of Lincoln, Nebraska (New York: Sanborn Map Co., 1903); "Near Half Million Mark. Cash Outlay for Building in Lincoln Last Year. Many Residences Put Up," (Lincoln) Nebraska State Journal (January 4, 1903), 19.

62. "Mrs. D. M. Butler is Called Early Friday...Sister of General Pershing Succumbs After Long Illness--Editor and Musician," Evening State Journal (Lincoln, Nebraska), (December 14, 1928), 1.

63. "The City," (Lincoln, Nebraska) Daily State Journal (March 29, 1879), 4.

Page Citation

D. Murphy & E. F. Zimmer, “John J. Butler (1839-1904), Architect,” in David Murphy, Edward F. Zimmer, and Lynn Meyer, comps. Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, October 25, 2018. Accessed, October 22, 2024.

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