Browse architects and firms beginning with the letter "N"
This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.
Note that links in boldface type represent architect and firm pages that are either more complete or are particularly well-developed. Links that are in red font are not live and represent pages that are still in queue. These pages may also have been deferred for lack of information or because the practitioner has more recently entered the scene. This index nonetheless provides a comprehensive list of those who practiced in Nebraska from 1854-2000. Files are kept for each.
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Nachtigall, Jacob M. (James), Architect; SEE Jacob M. (James) Nachtigall (1874-1947), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1898-1945
Naden, Lt. Col. Doyt M., Architect; SEE Lt. Col. Doyt M. Naden (1911-1993), Architect, Ogallala,1938, Lincoln, 1940, and Franklin, Nebraska, 1939-1976
Nance Company, The, Architects; SEE The Nance Company, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1967-1970
Naprstek, William J., Architect; SEE William J. Naprstek (1940-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1970-1997
Nebraska Building & Investment Co., Architects, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1918, 1920
Nebraska Cornice and Ornamental Works, Architectural Vendors, Omaha, Nebraska
Nejgebauer, Eduard, Architect; SEE Eduard Nejgbauer, Architect, Beatrice, Nebraska, 1891
Nelsen, Lavern James, Architect; SEE LaVern James Nelsen (1909-1980), Architect, Hastings, Nebraska, and Detroit, Michigan
Nelsen, Victor B., Architect; SEE Victor Brondt Nelsen (1930-2001), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1954-1976
Nelson, Charles G., Architect; SEE Charles G. Nelson, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1966-2003
Nelson, F. A., Architect; SEE F. A. Nelson, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1918
Harry David Nelson, Architect; SEE Harry David Nelson, Architect, Omaha, 1967-1975, and Broken Bow, Nebraska, 1976
Nelson, Kenneth E., Architect; SEE Kenneth E. Nelson (1924-1981), Architect, Omaha, 1954-1976, and Broken Bow, Nebraska, 1974-1975
Nelson, Lyndon D., Architect; SEE Lyndon D. Nelson, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1983-2000
Nelson, Richard D., Jr., Architect; SEE Richard D. Nelson, Jr., Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1986-2000
Nelson, Tracy M., Architect; SEE Tracy M. Nelson, Architect, North Platte, 1969-1975, and Gering, Nebraska, 1975-[1981]+; and Colorado Springs, Colorado
Nelson, Wendel P., Architect; SEE Wendel P. Nelson, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1986-2000+
Nettleton, Gilbert Button, Carpenter-Architect; SEE Gilbert Button Nettleton (1828-1922), Carpenter-Architect, North Platte, Nebraska
R. Neumann & Associates, Architects; SEE Roy Covert Neumann (1921-____), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska
Neumann, Roy Covert, Architect; SEE Roy Covert Neumann (1921-____), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1952-1958; Pennsylvania; New York; Iowa
Neumann-Gibbs Associates, Architects, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1955
Nevotti, William M., Architect; SEE William M. Nevotti (1887-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1907-1946
Newcomer, Jon H., Architect; SEE Jon H. Newcomer, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1979-2000
Newland, George D., Architect; SEE George Dennis Newland, Architect, Bellevue, Nebraska, 1976
Newman, _____, see Hall & Newman, Omaha, Nebraska
Newport, Gregory D., Architect; SEE Gregory D. Newport, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1989-2003
Nicas, James W., Architect; SEE James W. Nicas (1926-2004), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1942-2000
Nicas, James W. & Associates, Architects; SEE James W. Nicas & Associates, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1964-1967, -2000
Nicas-Goldstein Associates, Inc., Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1968-1975
Nielsen, Gary W., Architect; SEE Gary W. Nielsen, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1973-2003 Nippell & Bellas, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1911-1913
Nippel, C. A., Architect; SEE Charles A. Nippel (1858-____), Architect, Niobrara, Nebraska, 1890-1893
Nippell, M. R., Architect; SEE Max R. Nippell, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1906-1913
Donald Nispel Architects, Hastings, Nebraska; SEE Donald L. Nispel (1931-1997), Architect
Nispel, Donald L., Architect; SEE Donald L. Nispel (1931-1997), Architect, Hastings, Nebraska, 1963-1997
Noaecker, J. Wesley, Architect; SEE J. Wesley Noaecker (1914-1974), Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1934-1942; Lafayette, Colorado
Nolan, E. A., Architect; SEE E. A. Nolan, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1906-1908
Noll, William T., Architect; SEE William T. Noll (1943-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1969-2003
Noller, Douglas R., Architect; SEE Douglas R. Noller (1945-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1972-2003
Novacek, Frantisek, Architect; SEE Frantisek Novacek, Architect, Brainard, Nebraska, 1891
Novak, Anton, Carpenter-Architect; SEE Anton Novak, Carpenter-Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1891
Nye, Charles M., Architect; SEE Charles M. Nye (ca. 1876-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1913-1934
Nye & Robinson, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1917-1918
Nye & Son, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1928
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